Caring Wood


Tower House Lewisham

Thurston Point London

Ness Point 



 Caring Wood, Large Domestic New Build   Property


 Electrical Inc. Access and Lighting Controls,   Security CCTV and Fire Alarm


 Cardy Construction

 VALUE: £ 1 M +

 RIBA House of the Year 2017 - RIBA   South East Award 2017; RIBA South   East Sustainability Award 2017 and         RIBA National Award 2017. 

 Thurston Point was a major new          £24 million development in Lewisham,  London. Incorporating  one, two and      three bedroom apartments

P.A Grant Electrical Ltd.

Electrical Design & Installation Contractors

Copyright ©  2022

 RIBA South East Award 2017 

 & House of the Year Finalist


 Tower House residential refurbishment &  new build


 Design & installation of electrical  services


 MHA Associates

 VALUE: £650k


 Thurston Point residential new build


 M&E Building  Services Design – Full 


 Denne Construction

 VALUE: £2.2m


 Ness Point, New Residential Property


 Full Electrical Installation Inc. Fire Alarm,   Security, Data and TV


 Coombs Construction

 VALUE: £ 125k